User Manual


Set up a camera and a piano keyboard capable of MIDI recording. Record a video and MIDI file. This tutorial assumes they are titled midi.mid and video.mp4.

You might want to save these in a new folder dedicated to this piano recording.

Your First Video

First, install Piano Video.

Import the pvkernel library, which will give us access to the Video class. The default resolution and fps are (1920, 1080), and 30 respectively.

import pvkernel

resolution = (1920, 1080)
fps = 30
video = pvkernel.Video(resolution, fps)

Now that we have our video initialized, we can start adding MIDIs. We add them by modifying the property (explained later) midi.paths. To add MIDIs, run:

video.props.midi.paths = "your/midi/path.mid"

This adds your MIDI file into the paths that the kernel will render. To seperate multiple MIDIs, use just a colon with no spaces. There are example MIDIs all ready inside the examples folder.

We can also add the video recording to play underneath the blocks. Along with the video, we need to specify the start time in seconds and the crop.

The start time is the time you press the first note in the video. So, if you press the first note at 1.23 seconds, put 1.23 into the property.

The crop is a list of four lists (see below). They specify the four corners of the keyboard keys in your video, starting from the top left and going clockwise. The X coordinate starts at 0 from the left and increases going to the right. The Y coordinate starts at 0 from the top and increases going down.

video.props.keyboard.video_path = "your/video/path.mp4"
video.props.keyboard.video_start = 1.23   # seconds
video.props.keyboard.crop = [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3], [x4,y4]]  # put in actual values here

Almost done! We just have to export the video using the code


Hooray! You have your first video exported! With the default settings, this can take a few minutes. Feel free to stop the export (Ctrl+C) at any time, and you will be able to view the rendered frames in the video.


Each video class instance has it’s own collection of property values. The available properties are defined by add-ons (covered below). Detailed property documentation can be found here.

Let’s change the block color to blue (add this line before the export):

video.props.blocks_solid.color = (100, 100, 200)

Now, export again, and you should see the blocks are now blue.