
This is the core rendering engine. The kernel can be further split into two parts: Rendering System and Built-in Add-ons.

The rendering system is relatively simple. All it does is call the rendering functions in order and put together the final video. This is written in Python.

The built-in add-ons are complex. They are the actual implementations of the effects. They use Python to access the API, but may optionally call C++ libraries for a speed improvement.

The rendering system can be found in /src/pvkernel. The add-ons are at /src/pvkernel/addons.

Most optimization or minor improvements are welcome. If your patch greatly changes the appearance, please receive feedback from some people about it.

If you would like to create a new add-on bundled with the kernel, please discuss with me first. Thanks!

However, you can develop your own add-ons and install them through the GUI.