



The latest release can be found here.

All releases (starting from v0.2.0) have pre-built binaries. There will be a Debian package for Ubuntu and Debian, and two Python wheel files.

If you are unable to install one or more of those, please see the “From Source” section below.

To install the Debian package:

sudo dpkg -i pvid_x.x.x.deb

To install the wheel files:

pip install pv_...whl
pip install pvkernel_...whl

File names vary.

From Source

First build the files. Instructions are here

Then, install the files as above.

Windows and Mac

If you are using Windows or MacOS, switch to GNU/Linux and give yourself some freedom

Piano Video is developed and tested on GNU/Linux and may or may not work on other operating systems.

Old Versions

Piano Video has had two previous versions before v0.2.0.

The first was a CLI version which was difficult to use. Unfortunately, the documentation does not exist anymore. You can find the program on the cli-old branch.

The second is an unfinished GUI version, similar in design to the current version. It can be found on the branch gui-old and sphinx documentation is in the /docs folder.